Solo show this Friday in Tacoma

I have not been writing in this blog lately. It’s a blog though, who is? Anyway, my band Sun Tunnels had some shows recently and this Friday I’ll be playing solo in Tacoma. Check out this poster:


It’s kind of hard to read but it’s $13 and I open the show at 8pm. The headliner is Conversation Pit.

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Solo show next Tuesday

hey, it’s been a while. Since I’ve posted. There’s a show coming up:

Many thanks to Levi Fuller for inviting me, it’s an honor to be playing this show. He’s put it together to commemorate 20 years of playing shows in Seattle.

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Sun Tunnels coming back to Everett

We’re playing at the Black Lab Gallery again, this time on Friday September 16.

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Sun Tunnels in Everett

We’re playing in Everett next week. We’re really looking forward to it, it’s been a while since we’ve played out of town.

we’ve got a couple Seattle shows coming up this Summer: July 8 at Lucky Liquor, August 5 at Darrell’s

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Where We Get Off, Ball of Wax 67, etc.

I have not posted in a while. A lot has happened since 2019, to everyone, I forget I have a website.

My band Sun Tunnels is playing a show on March 12, the Ball of Wax Volume 67 release show, because we have a song on the compilation Ball of Wax Volume 67.

The song also appears on our EP that we finished in January, called Where We Get Off.

Other highlights of the last few years include:

  • I led a team that made this software
  • Started a bi-weekly virtual open mic that’s been going since April 2020
  • We played one show in 2021
  • I didn’t get Covid (I don’t think)
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